Domain Model


The contract interfaces documentation references structs and enums that represent Fismo’s domain model.

Those are all defined in FismoTypes.sol.


The Fismo NPM package contains self-validating, self-marshaling representations of the domain model. The entities and enums are implemented as JavaScript classes, and are available in both ES6 (browser) and commonjs (Node) versions.


  • 🦠 ActionResponse - The details of a successful state transition.
  • 🦠 Machine - The complete on-chain definition of a machine.
  • 🦠 Position - Machine and state, the longitude and latitude of Fismo.
  • 🦠 State - The complete on-chain definition of a state.
  • 🦠 Transition - The complete on-chain definition of a transition.


  • 🦠 Guard - Transition guard types ( Enter / Exit )